Bottom Up Urbanism proposal for the 11,200 sq mi capital city Bogotá, Colombia.
Bogota’s annual urbanization rate, 5.5%, is one of the highest in Latin America. This migration increase has created a demand for a new downtown Bogotá. But history shows traditional urban planning strategies collapse under the quick cycle of mayors, political corruption, and other governmental inconsistencies; therefore, a bottom-up scenario needs to be utilized in future development.
A recent initiative by Rodrigo Nino of Prodigy Network, “My Ideal City ”, proposes to rebuild Downtown Bogota from the Bottom up. Together with important innovators such as Gary Hack, an Urban Planner responsible for Manhattan’s WTC area and West Side development, PSFK, an English trend research group and crowd sourcing expert, we worked together with Rodrigo and the Sponsor BD Promotores to develop a platform where the people in Bogota help create their city by interacting in proposals made for their Downtown in crowd sourcing [web and radio] thus impacting design through real time interaction and direct feedback.
Once the different initiatives are defined, the process is completed by the population crowd funding it's own initiatives. A first amazing example is BD Bacatá, a project developed by BD Promotores, where Prodigy Network has brought together more than 3,500 investors, who have invested more than 200 million dollars, making it the largest skyscraper in Colombia's history and the world record in crowd funding.
We envisioned a new Bogota via four scenarios, click through the slides to view their content, as well as to view Winka's TED Global Talk (2013). Below the credits, is a selection of publications on this work.